
Beijing -Covid-What Next?
Parallel event sponsor NCO CSW Vienna
A panel of women who played crucial roles at the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing will speak about their struggles and accomplishments, and assess the relevance of the Beijing Platform for Action today. An expert on women's health will briefly outline the impacts of COVID-19 on women. Looking to the future and recovering post-COVID, the Younger Generation Working Group of NGO CSW Vienna will talk about the priorities of young feminists.
Women in power and decision-making, The girl child, Human rights of women, Women and health
SDG4 – Quality Education, SDG5 – Gender Equality
Young Members (2016), Building Peace through Women’s Education (2019)
BPfA is the basis of all GWI's actions today, the world was very different in 1995, and there was consensus to move foreward and sign the declaration. In 2020 you already saw the fallback starting at the Beiing+5 in New York at the UN when you could wander around the building and even looking into the Security Council Chameber, not in session when going to the ladies at that had a wonderfull view of NY.
Recollection of Beijing and Huairou as well of the Prepcom. before such as the 1994 in Vienna of the UNECE Region, which I also attended and where the Dutch Civil Society sat down with the civil servants from the Ministry of education to voice our opions and concerns. Which we still do today before every CSW.
Outcome of meeting on 17/3/2021 gender inequality still rampend, income inequality as we know all to well.
Stiil a lot of work to do and Covid-19 does not help, a bigger setback then normally expected, although I think that that will vary very much per country/continent.



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