


Current GWI Programmes



 Previous GWI Programmes and Projects 



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“Bina Roy Partners in Development” supports projects that empower girls and women through education and leadership development. BRPID grants are awarded to GWI national federations and associations from developing countries on a competitive basis…Read More
“Teachers for Rural Futures” focuses on the educational needs of rural communities. Recognising the urgent requirement to boost the number of qualified teachers, the project fulfils two simultaneous aims: improved access to secondary school education for girls in rural areas, and improved quality education, training, and continued professional development for women teachers from rural areas…Read More
“NFA-to-NFA” NFA-to-NFA is a formal, two-way collaboration or partnership between two organisations or groups. GWI’s twinning programme provides a framework for two or more NFAs or NFA branches to work together in a partnership for a specific amount of time on a particular area of work. This programme provides an opportunity for learning and exchange, to share and develop expertise and best practice models…Read More
“University Women Helping Afghan Women(UWHAW):” The Canadian Federation of University Women-Ottawa is supporting education of Afghan women and girls, in cooperation with the Gawharshad Institute of Higher Education in Kabul. UWHAW’s work includes advocacy initiatives, fundraising and public awareness-raising for the issues facing women and girls in Afghanistan, especially in access to post-secondary education…Read More
“Olympes de la Parole” is running across several countries in Europe and the Middle East. A competition for high school girls to learn how to speak publicly, it was recognised by the Council of Europe as part of its “All Different, All Equal” programme to promote diversity and gender equality among European youth. University professors, secondary school directors and teachers see this initiative as an excellent way to encourage students to reflect on the place of each boy and girl in schools and in society…Read More
“Girls’ Choices” supports teenage girls to complete secondary school and transition to university, further education or professional work.
“Gender Education”: The Uwicyeza Project focuses on gender education and skills development for secondary school girls in Rwanda aged 14-18 years old. Educational workshops are combined with mentoring to provide students with critical knowledge and practical skills that will support them on their journey towards becoming successful and confident young women…Read More
“I am the Future” is carried out in Turkey, in the city with the highest rate of early marriage of girls. The project raises awareness about the importance of education, and increases secondary school and university enrolment rates, particularly of women, with a view to develop human resources and to support transition into the labour market. So far it has reached a 23% increase in girls’ enrolment rates.
“Graduate Women Western Australia”, a state branch of the Australian Federation of Graduate Women, has supported teacher training, raised funds towards the building of the Pre- School and a playground, purchased pens and books for use at the school to help develop early literacy and in Galle Sri Lanka as a response to the devastation wrought in the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami.
The “Let’s Read Together” network, part of the Finnish Federation of University Women, comprises over 70 groups across Finland, with more than 400 women volunteers who support over 1,300 migrant women annually, to help increase literacy and proficiency in Finnish.
“In Ethiopia” more than half the girls who enroll in grade one drop out before sitting their primary school leaving exams. Dropping out between ages 11-13 has been linked to female hygiene challenges. Ginjo school in Jimma, Ethiopia, had no water or toilet facilities. Canadian Mississauga group is assisting with facilities funding.
“Girls’ Choices Mobile App” GWI is working with Orange Device Group to develop a mobile app that empowers girls to access information that will inspire them to complete secondary school and transition to tertiary education or professional work. The app will provide immediate, easy access to material empowering girls to explore possibilities in their lives beyond school. The app is initially being developed with content driven by a focus group of teenage girls in Kigali, Rwanda, with the scope for replicability in other countries. The target age group…Read More