MsPatrice Wellesley-Cole

Patrice Wellesley-Cole
6/3/23 Opening session for delegates; Heads of Government and Ministers
7/3/23 UN Mexican mission for MOU
7/3/23 Canadian Federation
8/3/23 IWD / International Women’s Day
Both GWI PEs/ Parallel events
Women in power and decision-making, The girl child, Human rights of women
SDG5 – Gender Equality, SDG9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG16 – Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, SDG17 – Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Tolerance of Minority Groups (2016), Young Members (2016), Diversity in Teacher Education (2019), Building Peace through Women’s Education (2019), Women and STEM (2019), Climate Emergency – Declarations and Action Plans (2022)
All relate to BFWG webinars and talks held regularly . BFWG’s main focus is education through its 2 charities and recruitment and retention of members , concentrating on Young members.
At opening session heard from Heads of Government and Ministers mainly women Hungarian President who said there are no just wars. Listened to Vice – Presidents of Sudan and Iran , Prime Ministers of Iceland , Albania and Aruba , Deputy Prime Ministers of Serbia and Slovenia , the latter described herself as a technological optimist
It will help to focus on SDG4 and 5 to encourage more women to consider going into public life.

Work more closely with global funders and UN agencies and fundraise for projects.


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