
Bulgarian association of University Women
Women's Economic Empowerment – A Holistic View of Women's Economic Participation, Side event, 22 March
Saudi Arabia
Women and the economy, Education and training of women
SDG4 – Quality Education, SDG5 – Gender Equality
Women and STEM (2019)
The role of women in the process of economic recovery and development increases during the time of crisis as COVID19 pandemic. At the same time, the gender stereotyping consists of beliefs and attitudes that create different expectations for individuals based on their gender and can lead to biases, including on the labour market. The main challenge for women is abusing of this gender bias and takes part in on equal base in economic development improving an empowerment of women.
The event showed the cases of increasing women empowerment in Arabic region with the aim to achieve economic progress.

The protection of women rights on the labour market is main factor for increasing economic empowerment of women. On this market the processes are bilateral. From one side, the high economic growth leads to strong protection of women rights. From other side, more active participation of women in the economy supports to be used all human recourses and to be produced higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Main measurements for participation on labour market – primary condition on this market – education, degree of active participation on this market – rate of unemployment and the valuation of women activities on this market – income.
The education of women depends on the economic growth in the countries. On other side, when there is an economic growth, the disposal public resources for education as a part of GDP are increased. The education give knowledge and skills for successful participation on labour market. According the information gave on the session 60% of postgraduate students in Saudi Arabia are women. The digitalization and new technology requires more women to study STEM.
The women in our region are so good educated and the rate of women with upper secondary school in Central and Eastern Europe are 74,23%.The main challenge for women is abusing of this gender bias and takes part in on equal base in the economy. it necessary to reduced pay gap for equal work.

The measures to increase economic empowerment of women;
• Changes in law;
• Women leadership positions;
• Equal access to education;
• Equal payment by unemployment;
• Equal payment for equal work

Author: Kamelia Assenova

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