Digital Regional Side Event: Women, Peace and Security, March 18, 8:30 – 10:00
UN Women and Governments of Jordan, Canada, Norway, Spain, Finland, and UK
Women and the environment
SDG5 – Gender Equality, SDG16 – Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Tolerance of Minority Groups (2016)
The principals of 1325 relate locally to our work for Afghan women and girls.
National Action Plans to implement UN 1325 are considered powerful tools to realise commitments on gender equality and women, peace and security. Jordan introduced an NAP in 2017. It is a detailed plan to promote the equal participation and full involvement of women in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security. Jordan is now drafting a Phase II building on the accomplishments of Phase I. Bold steps have been taken to ensure women will be in strong leadership positions. Various countries shared stories of their implementation of WPS NAPs. Funded and based on national priorities they contributed to increase women's full and meaningful participation in decision making, peace building and community security and they prevented violent extremism. Sadly COVID-19 has profoundly effected regional peace, security and stability. Women have also been further marginalised although already suffering from rising incidents of gender-based violence and online harassment, increased domestic care and work, and poverty and economic insecurity. Canada, a monitor, acknowledged there was real political will in the process. There has been a broad media campaign to show the role women are playing on many fronts and their families support them. Canada notes too Jordan's generous response to refugees. Colombia does not have an NAP but it works under 1325. COVID has been devastating for its women but they are working locally to address and need additional funding. Lebanon has increased the number of women involved in peacemaking and peace building and shared fascinating stories of its work near the Syrian border. The women were instrumental in bringing the. men together and in developing a marketplace project that brought economic viability back too the area. Young women used a NAP to build peace and accountability on Bangladesh. In the Ukraine women participated in an NAP in a small town where 70% of the population was of displaced persons who could not return home. The last example took us to Indonesia and an NAP that took 7 years to negotiate with a second draft on the way.
The message was strong and with examples from around the globe. UNSCR 1325 brings results from eh grassroots up.
I keep thinking of NFA2NFA opportunities with so many of these themes.