Graduate Women International invites you to a policy seminar:
Education in the Pacific: Bridging the Gender Gap
Date: 29 October 2015 Time: 19:00 – 21:00 – panel
21:00-21:30 – reception
Venue: Fiji National University, Lecture Theatre 1, Suva, Fiji
Advancing women’s leadership potential and gender justice in the Pacific is a key condition for achieving their full participation in the political, social and economic development of their communities and countries. Gaps remain in achieving gender parity in secondary and tertiary education in the Pacific, with great disparities in gender equality. This contributes to women’s lack of political representation at higher decision-making levels, creates gender gaps in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and contributes to a gender pay gap in the region. How can secondary and tertiary education increase women’s leadership and drive change in gender equality? The seminar will explore this area with a focus on:
- Achieving gender parity and gender equality in secondary and tertiary education.
- Building leadership initiatives in education that foster girls’ and women’s participation at higher levels of decision-making.
- Realising gender justice through education to ensure women’s access to justice and rights.
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