Papers from the 30th GWI Conference

Selected Interdisciplinary Seminar Papers

Presented as part of the proceedings of the 30th Triennial GWI Conference Mexico City, August 2010

These papers represent some of the responses made by members of GWI to a call for twenty minute presentations at Conference on topics bearing on four broad themes: Women in Higher Education, Education for the Empowerment of Women, Education for Sustainability and Education for Human Rights. The views expressed are those of the individual member, not necessarily those of GWI.


Participants were invited to address their papers to one or more of the following: to inform fellow members of the situation in particular countries, to share experiences of problems and solutions or to stimulate general discussion of a relevant issue. Time for questions and comments from the audience was a crucial part of the seminar sessions.


The papers can be accessed by clicking on the links below. They have been given a degree of uniformity in typography and layout, mainly for aesthetic reasons and ease of reading, but no attempt has been made to eliminate the considerable variation in conventions of formal presentation (especially with regard to matters of presenting lists, referencing and the structure of Bibliographies) resulting from their origin in different disciplines and different countries.


The email address of the authors has been provided with their consent. Should you wish to take up any matter in any of these papers, please communicate directly with the corresponding author.


Dr Jennifer Strauss AM Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Seminars for the 30th Triennial Conference of GWI


Section 1: Women in Higher Education


Section 2: Education for the Empowerment of Women


Section 3: Education for Sustainable Development


Section 4: Education for Human Rights

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