2008 Bulgaria BRPID Projects

Bulgaria BRPID Projects 

BulgariaConferenceIn August 2007, the Bulgarian Association of University Women organised a successful conference which brought together representatives of women’s NGOs and women from academic institutions in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, as well as policy makers, to look at alternative models for good practices in gender equity in education. Conference themes included a gender-sensitive analysis of education policies in secondrary schools and universities, and equal access to higher education for minority groups.

The Bulgarian Association continued to work on promoting gender sensitivity and equality in secondary and higher education in 2008. They organised three major activities:

  • The publication of a book by Michaela Miroui, a well-known Romanian feminist philosopher and political theorist.  The book, “Guidelines for Promoting Gender Equity in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe” had already been translated from Romanian into Bulgarian by BAUW members in 2007.
  • Book launches of Miroui’s book at many different Bulgarian universities. Complimentary copies of the book were given to the rectors of the universities.
  • A weekly series of lectures (March to May) on topics related to women’s education and achievements.  16 different lecturers participated in this activity and 2 were from outside Bulgaria.

This has been a successful project and the Bulgarian Association has cooperated with scholar’s from Romania and Serbia on this project and established new connections with different groups of academic women within the country. New contacts include scholar’s and students working on a new international MA gender programme (Matilda).  In addition, it is reported that the translated version of Mihaela Miroui’s book is already making an impact in academic circles.

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