UNESCO General Conference
UNESCO General Conference
October 2009 – In October the UNESCO General Conference elected Irina Bokova, of Bulgaria to the head the organization. In her opening statement she spoke of responsibilities in a world conditioned by an economic, social and environmental crisis. She stressed that she does not believe in the clash of civilisations and will favour multicultural dialogue and tolerance.
In her vision statement, UNESCO in a Globalized World: New Humanism for the 21st century, she states that “the greatest challenge is to lead the world into a new era of peace and humanism, to create more inclusive, just, and equitable societies through sustainable economic and social development, based on science, innovation and new technologies that will serve mankind and will preserve the environment.”
Gender equality and education for sustainable development are both high on her agenda. In a speech to the UNESCO Executive Board’s Committee on Non-governmental Organizations, GWI’s representative Françoise Sauvage called for greater NGO involvement in helping to define UNESCO’s policies and priorities.
Françoise Sauvage, GWI Representatives to UNESCO