What We Do


Grants & Fellowships

Education is the key to gender equality, economic promotion, better health and much more besides. Access to secondary, tertiary and continuing education is, however, still a distant dream for millions of girls and women…Read More


Policy & Advocacy 

Education, both formal and informal, underpins effective change. GWI encourages graduate women to use their expertise to bring about change, with particular reference to the education of girls, adult literacy…Read More




Olympes de la Parole

“Olympes de la Parole”, now run in several countries, is based on a highly successful model launched by the French Association of University Women (AFFDU) in 2000…Read More


Policy Papers 

Recognising the many socio-cultural, legal and other challenges faced by girls and women worldwide, GWI identifies its position and makes recommendations for policy makers and other stakeholders on issues relating to education, gender and human rights…Read More