2011-2012 Turkey BRPID Project
Turkey BRPID Project
Peace at Home, Peace at School and Peace in the World
Migration from rural areas to cities has increased greatly in recent years in south eastern and eastern Turkey. Antalya has experienced a great influx of rural families looking for work. The majority of women coming to Antalya are illiterate and violence is rife in their family lives. Unfortunately aggressive male behaviour is accepted as being the norm. Consequently, aggressive behaviour amongst children is either not noticed or is ignored and so the cycle perpetuates.
This project aims to address the issues of family violence, with particular emphasis on sensitisation of pre-school and school-aged children. Trained facilitators will work with migrant women in community centres and other educational centres, to promote Peace Education and to raise awareness that violent behaviour is not the norm, and that men and women have equal rights.
The start of the project has been delayed. Many of those involved with the project had to help with the sudden influx of refugees to the region as a result of the two major earthquakes in Van.