Grant Application

Grant Application

Requests for funding should be submitted in English on the Fund’s official forms to the Coordinator at the address below. Proof of refugee or asylum seeker status, or other verification of emergency displacement to another country, should accompany your application. The terms of reference of the Hegg Hoffet fund oblige us to limit our assistance to women meeting the above criteria, so women who have moved (or wish to move) to another country for academic or economic reasons do not qualify.


Important: Before incurring the expenses of submitting an application, please send an email to the coordinator with a brief description of your situation, and the committee will then advise you whether your case meets our application criteria.

Click here to download the application form



Christel Moor

GWI Hegg Hoffet Fund for Displaced Women Graduates

39 Nackington Road

Canterbury, Kent


United Kingdom

Email: Christel Moor


Members of the Committee for the Hegg Hoffet Fund, 2013-2016


Christel Moor (Great Britain),

Joy Dunsheath (New Zealand)

Margaret Giles (Australia)

Anne Harris-Hennon (France)

Natalia Tikhonov Sigrist (Switzerland)

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